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Photos # >4 - Rhythm

I was intending to show a fast rhythm in this photo and, while I like the idea of it, I'm not sure how successful I was. I found this area while location scouting and thought that the light posts had a cool, fast, somewhat irregular rhythm to them. So I think it works in some capacity because we read the light poles. However, if you squint or up the contrast, the light posts kind of fade into the background and the linear motif is made up not by the poles but by the dark strip against the wall in the center. So I wish I could have had the wall lit a little better so the poles would have read better.

For this photo I had two goals. 1. Shoot something low contrast because I always tend to pump the contrast levels up way too high when I shoot. And 2. shoot a slow rhythm of just one or two poles in front of the punkin. I was struggling with 2 because the poles on the left kept existing with their stupid fast rhythm. But then that turned out to be ok because I had not shot my irregular rhythm photo yet either and so I did that here with the slow rhythm on the right contrasting with the fast pace of the left. I wish I would have changed my angle a little and shot more to my right so the line of the left railing would lead the eye to the pumpkin a little bit more.

This was I ensured was slow, by using just the window and the sides of frame to create my beats, I actually really like how this turned out, not even because of the rhythm, but because of how the vertical/horizontal lines of the window and surrounding tiles contrast nicely with the diagonals and the light wall contrasts the railing and outside. It makes it feel very dynamic to me.

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Ian Wood
Ian Wood
Nov 10, 2021

First things first, these are great pictures. I'm not a huge fan of the low contrast of the second picture, but I think it works well enough.

So, the first photo, it's my favorite of the three. It's so simple, but so interesting to look at. Maybe I don't understand rhythm well enough (which wouldn't surprise me), but I actually feel like this is a pretty slow rhythm. Irregular, yes, but the fact that I can tell how big the lampposts are gives me a sense of distance, which slows things down for me. The slowness sort of calms the picture down for me and makes me feel relaxed which might be the reason why I like it so much.


Bradina Anae
Bradina Anae
Nov 09, 2021

(commenting on your photos because my partner hasn't posted photos)

For your first photo, I love the composition of the image and how it compliments each light post! Besides this assignment, this photo is so aesthetically pleasing! It's reminds me of karate kid, ha! I agree with you, I feel like this photo shows fast, slow, and irregular rhythms. Personally, I see the brick floor as being 'fast' rhythm the light posts as 'slow' rhythm because of how far apart they are, and the roof top horizontal lines as an irregular rhythm. That's just me. Nice photo!

For your second image, I love how you wanted to change up your shooting style by shooting with low contrast. As filmmakers we…

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